
The uvula is a piece of dangling soft tissue found above the back of your tongue. It can contribute to snoring, especially in patients with elongated, large, or tapered uvulas. While sleeping, breathing may cause the uvula to vibrate, creating snoring.

An uvulectomy is a procedure Dr. Alexiou or Dr. Robinson may recommend if you are a candidate. Candidates for uvulectomy are those whose snoring problems can be traced to the uvula. During the procedure, Drs. Alexiou or Robinson will perform coblation therapy, which is similar to traditional laser surgery, but requires a much lower temperature. Radiofrequency energy is delivered to the uvula to gently remove the excess tissue, and open up the oral airway.

Coblation therapy for uvulectomy is performed in-office using local anesthesia, and usually takes less than 20 minutes. The noninvasive nature of the surgery ensures it produces minimal damage to surrounding cells, and most patients leave with minor discomfort. Normal activities can generally be resumed shortly after surgery.